Orders are shipped UPS Ground unless another method is specified, at an additional cost. Please email or call for prices and availability on parts.
A $3.00 Handling Fee is added to each order. This is shown on your order form as "Shipping/Handling - Normally: $3.00"
An "Order Confirmation" will be e-mailed to you and will include a detailed copy of your order. Please include your name and shipping address, the part numbers you wish to order with descriptions and quantity ordered of each. Include your e-mail address and telephone number so that we may reach you concerning your order, or to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Alabama residents, 5% state sales tax. For all other locations, no Sales Tax will be added to your order.
All parts shipped are tested and re-tested to be certain they are in top condition. When ordering, ask about return policy, returns vary on different parts. Special order items and electrical parts are not returnable. All returns must be made within 30 days of receipt of your order, a copy of original receipt must be enclosed. Shipping charges are never refundable.